Open programmes /
Program objective
Designed to complement the McCloy-Stipendienprogramm der Studienstiftung of the Studienstiftung (German Academic Scholarship Foundation), the ERP Scholarship Program funds one- to two-year research and study stays as part of Master's or PhD programs at top US universities. The aim of the program is to strengthen transatlantic relations and to promote as well as connect highly qualified graduates aspiring to work in public service (e.g. in ministries, foundations, think tanks, international organizations, NGOs, or in science and research). Following the US-American idea of a “revolving door” between the public and private sectors, we are also open to career paths that combine both areas. Ten to twenty scholarships are awarded each year.
Since 1994, the program has been financed by the Special ERP-assets of the German Federal Government, which is administered by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection. ERP is short for “European Recovery Program” and is better known as the Marshall Plan. It consisted of more than 13 billion dollars that the United States invested in post-war Western Europe in 1948. The aim of the initiative was (and still is) to promote peace through prosperity and strong economic relations, both within Europe and between Europe and the USA. The German part of the ERP asset still exists today and uses its annual yield to finance, among other things, the ERP scholarship program and thus serves as its namesake.
Program description
The following projects can be funded as part of the ERP scholarship program:
- One- to two-year programs for obtaining a Master's degree at a US university or college
- The course phase of a PhD program (Applicants who have already completed a Master's degree before starting the scholarship can apply for the first year of a PhD program; applicants who successfully apply for a PhD program with a Bachelor's degree can be funded for up to 21 months.)
- Ten- to twelve-month research stays as part of a dissertation at a German university
In case of a two-year scholarship awarded in order to obtain a Master's degree, an internship in the public sector of two or three months is expected to be completed between the first and second year. For one-year projects, the internship in the public sector should be completed after the study or research stay. Please include the internship into your plans for the time abroad from the very beginning.
Post-doctoral projects, one- to two-semester study visits in the USA as part of a German Master's degrees, and medical doctoral theses before completing a medical degree are not eligible for funding.
For an overview of funding possibilities, application requirements, and first-hand accounts, take a look at the flyer of the ERP program (German, PDF, 0.2 MB).
Scholarship benefits
Financial benefits
- Monthly scholarship of 2,500 USD
- One-off start-up grant of 500 USD
- Travel grant of USD 1,000
- Grant towards tuition fees of a maximum of USD 25,000 per academic year
Non-material benefits
- Admission to the Studienstiftung and access to its course programs
- Admission to a worldwide ERP network
- Kick-off event in Berlin before your time abroad
- Virtual semester kick-off at the beginning of your time abroad
- Annual scholarship holder meeting in the USA during your time abroad
The ERP scholarship may be combined with other scholarships (e.g. DAAD or US university scholarships).
Application requirements
- The program is open to young professionals from across all disciplines except artistic studies (music, art, drama, film).
- By the application deadline of October 1st of each year, applicants must hold at least a Bachelor's degree; the last university degree (including doctorate) must date back no more than five years. The date of the degree certificate applies.
- An excellent degree is expected, for applicants with a law degree at least “fully satisfactory”.
- A prior scholarship by the Studienstiftung is not necessary to apply.
- Admission to a US university or college is not required at the time of application for the ERP scholarship.
- Since the ERP Scholarship Program was designed as a supplement to the McCloy Scholarship Program, study projects at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government cannot be funded.
If you are interested in the ERP Scholarship Program but do not have German citizenship, you can find out here(German) whether you meet the formal application requirements.
Application process
- Please fill out the following application form (German, DOC, 2.1 MB). Please make sure to follow the instructions in the document “FAQ and application instructions” (German, PDF, 0.2 MB).
- Please note that the application must be submitted as a PDF attachment via e-mail. It is not necessary to send the application documents by mail.
- After a pre-selection, promising applicants will be invited to a selection seminar.
- Applications to the respective US universities and preparations for the internship are the responsibility of the applicants.
An important message: The Studienstiftung is committed to diversity and equal opportunities. The ERP scholarship program regards the diversity of its scholarship holders as an enrichment and opportunity and is committed to ensuring that the diversity of our society is reflected also in the scholarship program. We are very happy to welcome applicants with a broad variety of life experiences and personal life circumstances: be it with regards to chronic illness, caring for family members, a history of flight or migration, experience of racism, experience of discrimination or because they grew up in a non-academic and/or low-income environment. We know that all these and other factors can shape the course of one’s life. But we would like to encourage you: The ERP Scholarship Program is looking forward to receiving your applications! Please do not hesitate to contact erp(at)studienstiftung(dot)de with any questions you may have.
Application deadline
Applications for the academic year 2025/2026 may be submitted from July 15th to October 1st, 2024. Applications submitted before this application period will not be considered. The application documents will be updated at the start of the application period. Please be sure to use only the current application documents.
Contact us
Program Manager
Steffen Rodenbach
E-Mail: erp(at)studienstiftung(dot)de
Program assistant
Helen Gellrich
E-Mail: erp(at)studienstiftung(dot)de